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tv   The Big Picture With Thom Hartmann  RT  August 12, 2013 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT

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well i'm tom hartman in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture a federal judge has found new york's controversial stop and frisk program unconstitutional there bloomberg and n.y.p.d. police chief ray kelly are our age that is that is ruling as sweeping as it sounds on that just a moment also despite months of controversy and public outcry the n.s.a.'s biggest supporters want to make an snooping program even bigger what kind of reforms must our government make protect our civil liberties and major league baseball doesn't let the richest teams bribe umpires to widen the strike zone and congress shouldn't let big banks bribe elected representatives to deregulate wall street or on that
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comparison in tonight's daily take. you need to know this the mainstream media would go insane new york police officers through random people walking down wall street up against the wall and patted them down a gunpoint box to use the wall street journal would flip out if every fiftieth briefcase carrying white guy on madison avenue was slammed to the pavement and forced to empty his pockets by big bulky cups newspapers would warn tourists not to visit new york would you want to walk down a street of a major city worrying that the police people who are supposed to protect you are going to a cost you if these thoughts of never occurred to you you're probably white welcome to everyday life for people of color in new york city stop and frisk policies that target poor minorities have been the law of the lead in the nation's largest city.
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for almost a decade as a result black and latino new yorkers live with the daily fear that there could be a police officer behind every corner waiting to throw them to the curb as the essence of the court decision issued this morning by judge sure shevlin of the u.s. court for the southern district of new york for a decision which ended the two month long class action lawsuit of floyd versus the city of new york found that the city discriminated against racial minorities by encouraging police officers to stop question and search any individual they reasonably suspected of breaking the law in a clear and pointed opinion judge sheindlin said that the new york city's said that new york city's controversial stop and frisk program violated the fourth and fifteenth amendments to the constitution she wrote the city adopted a policy of indirect racial profiling by targeting racially defined groups for stops based on local crime suspects data this is resulted in the disproportionate and discriminatory stopping of blacks and hispanics in violation of the equal
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protection clause those statistics will and anecdotal evidence show that minorities are indeed treated differently than whites or stop or frisk crew for stop and frisk critics these are welcome words civil liberties advocates of long argue that the n.y.p.d. is use of the tactic is a grave violation of that most basic of constitutional rights the right to be treated equally in the eyes of the law regardless of race or class judge decision gives that argument a solid new legal backbone in our city mayor bloomberg and police commissioner ray kelly however are not so pleased both are fierce supporters of stop and frisk and argue that it has played any sun show role in reducing the city's crime rate they say that the program's critics are naive and ignore. ignorant about how it has helped the very same minority communities they claim to represent
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commissioner kelly defended the program against accusations of racial profiling at a press conference earlier this afternoon. but i find the most disturbing offensive about this decision is the notion that team and white p.d. engages in racial profiling that simply is recklessly untrue. we do not engage in racial profiling it is prohibited by law it is for if it is. regulations for more on today's landmark ruling on joined by robert stevens the sucking tribune writer for orchestrated and former organizer with occupy d.c. stevens this welcome back thank you nice to see you again. kevin just fifteen at the moment it's the fourteenth amendment that is equal protection at the moment is the right to vote. mayor bloomberg well first of all what's your take on today's ruling well i think to state that the policy has been found to be unconstitutional would sort of overstate the significance of this decision today it certainly has
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curbed to be the breadth of the policy by saying that there are additional new procedural requirements like police need to wear cameras in certain sections of the city when they're engaging in the policy i mean a new independent monitor but it's still very much so stop and frisk is very much so it's a constitutional policy to the state and so that goes back to the one nine hundred sixty eight when the supreme court argued when the supreme court decided terri be ohio and literally as that decision was happening in d.c. and other parts of the country were on fire as a result of race riots so this racial cloud has been hanging over stop and frisk since the policies inception. and. and arguably i'm curious about your take on the way this thing up you know there's probably more cocaine in the pockets on
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a person basis in wall street yes then there is in harlem yes i'd be willing to bet any amount of money on a certain way and yet if the cops set up a stop and frisk operation down in wall street and started slamming white guys were in suits and hearing briefcases up against the wall all hell would break bill o'reilly would have a stroke on the air and i think what's important to realize about this story is it's not this decision today isn't really the product of the self correcting legal system there was tremendous public pressure that was brought to bear on the court system in on the political system after years of organizing and i think. organizations like campaigns like the stop stop and frisk or cop watch or any number of other local new york based organizations and what they give up happening is i think with the internet the amount of videos that have gone around showing police brutality on a pretty much daily basis that's change the public discourse and the dish nightly
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after occupy you had a whole new group of people white people who had been brutalized by the police now who are now listening to the stories of immigrant communities of brown communities poor communities who have been experiencing this for years but now the kinds of people that were showing up at police brutality demonstrations that demographic was suddenly changing and that's built the momentum more and more to where stop the entire stop and frisk campaign movement it's no longer just a fringe issue but it's become a mainstream part of the so-called left now some of the things the judge required are going to be stronger than suggested equipping officers in some parts of the city with body cameras to record street stops the same as they haven't police cars gathering advice from minority neighborhoods about how to. prove relations with law enforcement assign an n.y.p.d. lawyer to the n.y.p.d. apartment to make sure that they respect respect for the fourth and fourteenth
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amendments do you think that those are going to be enough to do anything of consequence or is this is this going to be an actual useful stuff well i think it's it's like i said adding new procedural requirements are problematic policy a policy that is fundamentally about profiling and that will never result in any kind of equitable or beneficial outcomes despite what ray kelly says as such i think that yes they took some of the suggestions that community members have been organizing for for quite some time like the independent monitor in the community feedback these are these are policy recommendations that came directly from the streets so in that sense i totally respect. those accomplishments and i don't want to disparage it however what you also see in the coalitions that have been building this new coalition because that's what's really the big issue here that she had muslim people coming together talking about hey yes stop and frisk is bad and we're
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down to support this campaign but let's also look at this surveillance issue in which the n.y.p.d. is infiltrating their communities and when you had that cross section combination that built more pressure you had queer groups coming out and saying we're being harassed on the street and this is police brutality you had a variety of constituents going even to undocumented workers and how the profiling happens in latino and immigrant communities looking for these types of people and so all of that came to a head to build this pressure and i think that's going to be enduring legacy of this moment because like you're saying it's not this robust overturning of stop and frisk but but really what's important is that you have a new coalition and you have a new model for how to organize that's a good and important thing and. in many ways for this generation the occupy movement is for the previous generations moment launching out of a way yeah awakening. i'm curious your thoughts on bloomberg appealing
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this you know do. i think yes this will continue because it's it'll have to go to the supreme court to have a fight all kind of decision on the matter because. it's so that makes sense that's part of the process i do think that it's it's odd why they're so wed to this idea given the overwhelming public pressure from a variety of different constituencies as a bit earlier and so that's a very very peculiar development it makes sense politically but as far as it's for i think it reveals that we're living in a fun in a police state that's a fundamental feature profiling is a fundamental feature of our society on the back and i think it's driven by. you know the good news for the future of our criminal justice system earlier today attorney general eric holder announced sweeping changes to the american justice
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system in a speech at the american bar association. as the so-called war on drugs enters its fifth decade we need to ask and the approaches that comprise it have been truly effective and build on the administration's efforts that by the office of national drug control policy to usher in a new approach and with an outsized unnecessarily large prison population we need to ensure their incarceration is used to punish to deter and to rehabilitate but now merely to warehouse and to forget. to make good on his promise for a new approach to law and order the attorney general is calling for an end to mandatory minimum sentences for nonviolent drug crimes and is encouraging federal prosecutors to exercise greater discretion in deciding what cases they choose to bring to trial older so-called smart on crime plan also includes a proposal to reduce the total prison population by letting older nonviolent
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inmates walk free all this he says will help to reduce the vicious cycle of poverty criminality and incarceration the traps too many americans and we can see too many communities are still a long way to go before a criminal justice system lives up to its ideals but the attorney general's plan is a good start and i hope he finishes the job and ends nixon's drug war once and for all. coming up in the wake of the u.s. embassy closings across the middle east and an x. n.s.a. official has come out warning about the growth of the surveillance state should the u.s. witness another terrorist attack with the national security apparatus already out of control just how much bigger and more powerful could it get.
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us some of the new alert and a big scare me a little bit. there is breaking news tonight and we are continuing to follow the breaking news. alexander's family cry tears of joy and a great thing. that had grander or if. there's a story many movies playing out in real. like. wealthy british style stock.
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markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kaiser report. put it on your. face if you. like to have you with us here on t.v. today i roll researcher.
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screwed news during an appearance on c.b.s.'s face the nation program this sunday former national security agency chief michael hayden criticized president obama's proposal to put more oversight on the n.s.a. is spying program. it may be useful for transparency it may be useful for confidence but it but let me tell you looking through the windscreen when you lay this on it just looks like more thorough oversight when you're looking in your rearview mirror after the next successful attack this runs the danger. looking like bureaucratic layer they went on to say that in the event of future terrorist attacks the n.s.a. might have to expand its already invasive snooping powers for anyone concerned with the rising power of the surveillance state it's remarks are a stark reminder of just how powerful these intelligence agencies really are despite all the controversy the past two months is the surveillance state still
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directs policy and without meaningful reform it's going to stay that way for more on this i'm joined by amy stepanovich director of the domestic surveillance project of the electronic privacy information center epic hello how are you know great great to have you with us what do you first of all what do you make of michael hayden's comments in the press they're incredibly uninformed at one point he actually says that we're going to look for oversight to take place after an attack but after the attack is exactly when oversight will be taking place because that's when people will be moving in trying to figure out who conducted the attack instead he says that right now we should kind of let the surveillance state go and let agencies be able to operate basically as they please with whatever measures are built to now which we have seen in the past two months in blinding detail just aren't working isn't this you know in some ways his comments about an attack will provoke an even greater surveillance state and almost a weird echo of the project for a new american century is
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a hall in one thousand nine hundred eight the second pearl harbor would be necessary to mobilize an american president to invade iraq it's like you know some horrible things happen all of a sudden we all go crazy well i think horrible things do happen and i think that's why we have the n.s.a. i think that's why we now have surveillance in this country but we have to keep that surveillance in check we can't allow unconstitutional unlawful surveillance to just kind of run amok in the country we don't have a country that allows for that to happen and we haven't been able to. we haven't been made aware that that's what was going on and now we are and i think it's time to come back and add some checks and some stops to the system well and after poll. when you look at how. terribly difficult it is to for example rein in the private prison industry you know what the attorney general did today is only going to apply to federal prisoners and in state after state after state it's just going to happen
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because there's so much money there are so many lobbyists with seventy percent correct me if i'm wrong of the n.s.a.'s budget now privatized in the hands of private for profit corporations who are fueling arming is of lobbyists and tens of millions hundreds of millions of dollars in lobbying. and we reached a point of no return i don't think so i think that's incredible i don't think that we're in that defeatist position yet we can combat and we can roll back to an environment of transparency and an environment of accountability for these programs we just have to really want to and we have to tell congress that we want to and we have to put in place the protections to allow it to happen moving forward i think it's notable right now we have a window into their surveillance industry and it's only open for that brief period of time where we have documents that coincide and we don't know what's going to happen moving forward unless we put the mechanisms in place to allow us to know what's going to happen in a way. perhaps you could compare this to the nixon administration lead in there are
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abuses being made visible as a consequence of watergate leading to the church commission is that is that a good analogy and if so where is today's church commissioner called you know that's that's something that a lot of people have been asking is is the cause there's been a call for a new church commission which i think would be very important here we also there's been a call for a lot of reforms one of them is this this advocate program that the president mentioned in the speech on friday notably however he didn't he didn't put into place the mechanism that would make it a meaningful advocate so it's not going to be an advocate with some measure of transparency. we're an advocate with a public reporting requirement right now it's just an extra. quote unquote being put into the system and we need more than that we need a real meaningful person in that role to argue on behalf of the people and i think hayden failed to recognize the distinction there are there are two roles that the pfizer court plays or that it is currently playing whether it's supposed to or not
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one is approving the specific requests for information and the other is become this creator of private law secret law where we don't know what is in place and it's something that this country was has been vehemently against for a very long time and the face of court is kind of perpetuating that system and that's where the advocate would come in to argue against these. guys a secret court opinions that affect everybody in the country do you think it's possible the wrong one could be this generation's friend church and if not who. i think it's possible there are a lot of people in congress there are a lot of lawmakers that have vocally spoken out against this program and i think any one of them could step up and lead an investigation into the abuses of the n.s.a. the f.b.i. this the surveillance industry and i think it's not necessarily as important who as
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that happens we really want to see this investigation take place and we need to all be leaning in our elected officials and yes they may think you think you know. in other news some day you sometime in the near future president obama will have to make a decision about whether or not his administration will approve the keystone x.l. pipeline in the meantime the fossil fuel industry is doing its best to new sleeve the public about damage the pipeline will do to the environment just last week. sera insight not for profit research firm funded by big oil. but he's released a study concluding that the keystone x.l. pipeline will have no material on us greenhouse gas emissions this is just the latest attempt by the fossil fuel industry to cloud the public debate about the keystone x.l. pipeline and it certainly won't be the last luckily activists across the country are taking action to make sure the truth about keystone and global warming gets out
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there today over sixty people sat outside the state department washington d.c. to demand that president obama reject the keystone x.l. pipeline one of the organizers of that protest allies is our own campaign director for credo action joins us now live you're welcome it's good to be here thanks for joining us so how do the protests to begin the protest was great it was it was extremely inspiring to see these people sixty people sitting in and risking arrest they were course supported by close to two hundred people at the protest. many of the folks who were there today and it's what we've been seeing all across the country are doing this for the first time this is the first time they've ever taken this step into the unknown of of risking arrest and it's so inspiring to see regular folks you can see the signs their mothers grandmothers farmers one of the teenagers who led the march to the state department you know
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a kid who grew up playing outdoors i mean these are folks who are just so concerned and feel the urgent need. so powerfully to get president obama to take action on climate that they're willing to take this step of risking arrest so it was it was really powerful to see and it was great to be at the state department and send that message here's a clip from one of president obama's speeches on this topic like your thoughts on this. but i do want to be clear. allowing the keystone pipeline to be built requires a finding the doing so would be in our nation's interest. and our national interest will be served only if this project does not significantly exacerbate the problem of carbon pollution so you're a former staffer in the obama administration you think that this is serious stuff that he's taken i worked on the president's campaign in two thousand and eight and
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as someone who was so inspired by the president and then candidate obama because of this issue primarily for me it was great to hear him say that because you know the keystone x.l. has been called the game over for the climate by point that's that's the main reason there are many reasons to oppose keystone x.l. but that's the main reason that folks are taking action and risking arrest to oppose it so the president was absolutely right to set this test for keystone saying he's not going to approve it if it significantly increases carbon emissions of course unfortunately. that decision right now is in the hands of of the state department. who is now watching an internal investigation into the oil industry contractor that they've hired to actually run the numbers and not surprisingly in their in their draft assessment they found no significant impact from this pipeline that's going to that the tar sands industry wants to use to triple production so.
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it would be incredible if not for the fact that we already saw this in two thousand and eleven there was a similar scandal with with a different a different oil industry contractor and so we're seeing we're seeing this this this this process that's wrought with conflict of interest and insider dealings repeat itself but what couldn't be clearer is is the fact that climate change is more urgent than ever and so so the people who are there today. were really sending the message to the president. that that we can't repeat the. process that we can't have two more years of delays if say this internal investigation if they throw if they throw this is just now we know that the president and secretary kerry know that keystone x.l. fails the test that it's going to increase climate emissions so we don't we don't have time to repeat the same mistake might be that the argument that they're making
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is that well you know they'll just refine it up there in alberta it's still going to get dug out of the ground the carbon is carbon dioxide so when it's run in the atmosphere it's just that if they do it in alberta you know they've got to ship it by train to the west coast to export to china and mexico and england and on the other hand if they run it through the united states and this is the thinking of the canadians who all in the company that's going to be the pipeline if we run it through the united states and hand it off to the koch brothers refinery down in southern texas then america gets to keep all the poison from the pollution from the refining and we can still export all the gasoline and you know it's like but the output would be the same is that essentially the argument that they're trying to that's what they want you to believe but they have too small problems of you know geography alberta's landlocked and it's really hard to get it out to the shipping ports where and get it to the global market which is which is their ultimate goal and that's the key to increasing the tar sands and they have the other problem of you know just the physical aspect of carrying this stuff it's much easier to do it
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through enormous pipelines than it is by trucks or by rail and not just easier it's cheaper and that's the big thing for them so the fact is i mean there's a perfectly good reason they call it keystone it is the keystone it is it is their number one way that they need to you know that they that they're going to use to increase production the tar sand if they don't have it and this is what the you know the economists and the and the investors who are looking at this have found if they don't have keystone the pace of tar sands burning and extraction cannot increase as much as long as they want to have a luxury good luck thanks so much very much for sure. sure in your information with the great work you're doing thank you for. coming up in cheer the media industry spends millions to prevent you from learning the ugly truth about the phone that you we are can we stop the meat and food industries censorship of our food system and become knowledgeable consumers.
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is it possible to navigate the economy with all the details of his addiction misinformation and media hype will keep you up to date by decoding the mainstream status if in your right. decision to leave. iraq.
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more news today boylan says once again flared up. these are the images koch world
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has been seeing from the streets of canada. showing corporations to rule the day. welcome back to the big picture i'm tom hartman coming up in this half hour the meat industry thinks that the first amendment doesn't apply when it comes to americans knowing about the food they're eating what are ag gag laws and how is big me using these laws to keep in sooners in the dark also medical marijuana is becoming an increasingly popular treatment for americans suffering from a range of debilitating illnesses and conditions but it could also be you could also be used to treat patients of another species and what if the new york yankees donated millions of dollars to major league baseball officials in return for
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favorable treatment and being able to change the rules of the game all that may seem pretty outlandish it's the reality right here every day in washington d.c. i'll explain in states to take. the best of the rest of the news according to research by the american society for the revenge of cruelty to animals ninety four percent of americans believe that animals raised for food on farms deserve to be free of abuse and cruelty and seventy one percent support undercover investigative efforts by animal welfare organizations to expose animal abuse on industrial farms unfortunately the meat industry knows about those statistics too and is therefore doing everything they
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can to prevent americans from knowing the truth about where their food comes from and how it's treated joining me now to talk more about the ways big meat is preventing you from learning about the food you're eating is ocean robins founder and co-host of the food revolution network ocean welcome thanks so much time it's a pleasure to be with you it's great to have you why is the meat industry so afraid about american seen how the food they eat is treated. well it turns out that like an old mcdonald's arm isn't so happy these days and the more people find out about the treatment of animals in modern meat production the more disgusted they are so a lot of people don't want any part in that system and yet the industry's response to this unfortunately is not to improve the conditions of the animals for the most part is to try to hide the conditions of the animals so what is an ag gag war where we've got five states that have passed these kinds of laws now they're utah kansas arkansas iowa and missouri and ag aguilar's essentially make it illegal to
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take pictures of what's going on on these farms without the consent of the farm owner now that might sound reasonable because after all we you and i don't want pictures taken of us in our homes without our consent but when it comes to america's food production i think people ought to be able to see where their food is coming from and these farms are specifically trying to make it illegal for anybody to take a job with intent to take photographs but they're also trying to make it illegal for existing employees to take pictures and in a couple of cases recently they've actually charged people under these laws for taking pictures from in one case a street corner in another case from a paraglider someone was flying overhead a national geographic photographer was doing a story on food systems joran steinmetz is his name and he was arrested for taking pictures flying over a feed lot in kansas now mr stanwood has taken pictures of post gadhafi libya he's
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been around the world he's done some dangerous stuff but it was taking pictures of us feedlots that got him put behind bars that's bizarre i mean we live in an era and an age where guys with cameras you know. basically stalking celebrities. but they can't they can't you can't take a picture from across the street dust real meat production places is. that. at least in the first amendment that's that's what these guys from the press are always pulling out when they say oh yeah we have a right to. whatever you know all right exactly well thomas jefferson said up properly functioning democracy depends on an informed electorate and i'm sorry to say that in the case of these agag bills they make an awfully hard to have a properly functioning democracy you know we have we do have laws protecting freedom of speech and freedom of the press and so one could definitely argue that
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there are unconstitutional and hopefully will get a hearing on that at some point in the supreme court but for the moment we also have to look at why why these laws are in place and what is being covered up and i'm sorry to say it's not just animal rights people and animal lovers that are being impacted it's the safety of our food systems if these factory farms are eating eighty percent of the ama biopics used in the united states or given to animals not people in these factory farms in order to keep animals alive under wretched conditions they have to feed them these drugs with every dose of feed and all this antibiotic overuse is leading to anime out of resistant bacteria which is now found on eighty percent of eighty one percent of the ground turkey and fifty five percent of the ground beef in america supermarkets so we're seeing tens of thousands of people dying from diseases that would have been cured by antibiotics only a few years ago and about it was just a bacteria that's killing them about a half a minute we've been following. corporations get together with republican legislators
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to pass laws are they responsible for these laws. congressman directly oh it's a team effort for sure and each state has its own specific story but now it has definitely played a part in this what would be exciting thing is that when people find out about it they're outraged and they want to change it and i think that gives us an immense power of weeks. you can turn the tide of history on this ok and finally is there a good website for people who want resources and how to end this absolutely will go to food revolution dot org to join our work with the food revolution working for how be sustainable humanely conscious to for everybody again that speed revolution dot com we have a new book out that covers not some of this topic and a lot more about food and the truth about food it's called of the food revolution great ocean robbins thanks so much for being with us tonight thank you tom. so sometimes you know it's you know and sometimes you know what you don't know and sometimes as the firesign theater says everything you know is wrong and you know
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that your if you want to hear your right. to say that you're. really doing you go is wrong. anyone who's ever had a dog knows just how expensive they can be especially when it comes to the medications they may need to treat everything from fleas and ticks to chronic pain but what a high price prescription medications weren't the norm for treating dogs who are in pain what is something a lot more natural like marijuana was the veterans of veterinarians number one choice for feeding phyto so if you think that medical marijuana is only for humans and everything you know is wrong joining me now is dr doug kramer a veterinarian and c.e.o. of guru in chatsworth california dr kramer welcome. thanks i'm getting you thanks for having me thanks for joining us are marijuana and tetrahydrocannabinol t.h.c. the active ingredient in
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a viable treatments for treating alternatives for pets in pain. i think you need to take a step back and differentiate between the two i think all too often used as being synonymous with candidates or marijuana when most of the exciting research research scientific research studies is focusing on other active ingredients in canvas so in other so he she may be useful for certain conditions but it's really some of these other ingredients that has excited is that is that why the synthetically manufactured t.h.c. pills when they give them to people with cancer and chemo and whatnot they say that they don't work as well as pot because of these other synergistic or just other altogether different compounds and if so what are some of those compounds. yeah that's precisely right there's hundreds of compounds and we're only now beginning to explore the relationship into different ratios of them contained within the different strains of points one of the biggest biggest ones that we're looking at
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is c.b.d. can have an oil it's basically one of those things where if you've been reading recently that children with epilepsy it develops strains that are c.b.d. or h t h c low so essentially the patient gets no psychoactive whatsoever but they're still receiving the benefits from the c.b.d. constituent c.v.t. charlie victor david interesting what effect this marijuana have on dogs. on all anecdotal evidence of showing it has very similar to human beings that have a similar an avenue of system they essentially are reacting the same way and they're using a lot of the clinical studies as pretty studies prior to human work so you're seeing a lot of the same the same benefits and the same risks being reported so that would include pain control increased appetite decreased nausea problems that behavioral problems such as anxiety or separation disorder and
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a lot of people are also treating it for right or wrong they're treating. they're pets with marijuana for epilepsy and seizure disorders too are they is this i mean your event are you seeing this is effective and where did you first learn about this and get the idea to treat pets with pot. i first learned about through my own clients basically and if you're asking me do i personally believe at the back you know yes i mean i think i've got communication ports and you need people telling me that it's working for there not to be some merit there that being said i think it would be irresponsible to go out and say it works go ahead and use it we don't need more research we need to study and understand it all on human side and the animal side but yes people are calling their writing with stories it's not just dogs it's cats apparently i'm working with a young lady in her horse actually and it's it's very very interesting it seems to be
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a receptor system that's that's to serve throughout the male in all mammals for mice so human surprisingly it's this the do the medical marijuana laws in california i know they allow doctors to prescribe it and people can get it from dispensaries in california as a doctor veterinary medicine and they allow you to prescribe them or is there you know or. leverage there. well in a general sense nobody in this country in the united states can prescribe medical marijuana humans can write a human positions to write recommendations for that's written within the laws but there seems to be a definite lack of guidance there whether it's legal or illegal in areas to do the same so as it stands now. you know a lot of grey water there i guess just hands on the individual bats and what i'm seeing personally is a whole lot of bets quietly supporting it well no it's not right wing to me that
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there is not speaking about a loosely i understand you we just have thirty seconds left how is the signature down. i mean you can be a mystery in any number of ways the same as humans but the most common way is typically to insure. so that you could you can quantify a certain number of drops or accurately administer a certain dose. you're also seeing it you're saying of course it will blow smoke into the animal's face but anything that can be made with butter or oil that can be used cannabis and that in turn can be turned into a medication remarkable dr kramer thanks so much for being with us tonight oh my pleasure thank you for having me. coming up one of the wealthiest teams in major league baseball were allowed to give millions to league executives and return they were able to play by a different set of rules all that may not be the situation in baseball right now it's reality across our nation and it's destroying our democracy more on that in
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tonight's story to. our. wealthy british style stock. market. find out what's really happening to the global economy. for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines kaiser reports. technology
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innovation all the developments around russia. the future covered.
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i mean on the left are. the obama supporters the phones all but mr miller gets always like. for it's a nice politically corrected were correct in the wall street journal stephen moore in august eleventh bed more called the republican driven sequester budget cuts and underappreciated success because they had resulted in amazing progress more went on to say the cuts to military education transportation and other discretionary programs have also been an underappreciated success with none of the anticipated negative consequences some how mr moore has missed the fact that the sequester cuts were in fact cuts to many crucial programs because if he knew what was going on and
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understand the since the devastating sequester budget cuts went into effect our economy has lost about twenty five thousand jobs a month for mark zandi chief economist a columnist at moody's analytics and thanks to the sequester tens of thousands of americans have seen their federal unemployment benefits slashed by as much as ten point seven percent people living on the edge since the sequester went into effect meals. on wheels programs have had to cut hundreds of meals from their service to low income elderly americans the meals on wheels program encounter county costa county california for example alone had to cut five point one percent of their budget program is scaled back the number of meals it serves from fifteen hundred to thirteen hundred a day two hundred hungry people meanwhile headstart education programs have been forced to cancel sessions and classes for at risk children for example the head
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start program and walk rockland county new york had to cancel the summer sessions for three to five year olds and lay off twelve staff members to save roughly two hundred forty thousand dollars like the national program of the rockland head start program will lose about five percent of its budget around forty five hundred four hundred fifteen thousand dollars by the end of this fiscal year but head start programs aren't the only education programs being hit by the sequester the sequester is cut over a billion dollars in federal funding for various special ed programs in over two billion in funding from primary and secondary education programs and according to the department of education sequenced ration cut another sixty million dollars from federal funding for schools that educate children who live on indian reservations military bases or in low income housing it's pretty clear this is that the sequester has had some pretty devastating effects on our country and on the american people and that's why stephen moore has been politically correct.
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crazy alert thirty dating sites galore there's an old saying that everybody needs somebody to love and that's a it's never been more true than right now in the age of the internet or the past decade or so sites like e harmony. match dot com for effect of the art of matchmaking but not everybody fits so easily into those sites romantic categories luckily there are alternatives for those among us who really need to feel like the baby in the relationship there's diaper mates. david vitter and people or just washed up baby eighty's rockers who really need their lovers to be all business in front and party in the back they can head over to passions dot com and those people who found it to be the
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most romantic movie they've ever seen can check out clown dating dot com a site that welcomes visitors with the slogan everybody loves a clown let a clown love you it's good to know the people who use these sites can find a romantic partner who can match their needs let's just hope the watch out for congress. is just. the. it's the good the bad in the very very ugly the good dimitri agora god the forty two year old russian citizens found a way to give big banks a taste of their own medicine after he received yet another unwanted credit card offer a couple of years ago agger cost of made a copy of the offer wrote in new terms and sent it back to his bank credit systems in the bank received
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a signed offer it didn't notice edits edits it agreed to his customized terms and zero percent interest no fees no credit limit it took off credit systems two years to figure out what was going on even when a did ensued agora. a judge ruled that he only had to pay the bank back his cards balance legality sh'ma galatea this couldn't happen to a better group of banks toure's the bad a.b.c.'s this week sunday shows are supposed to be the. place where journalists confront america's most powerful politicians and ask them the hard hitting questions no one else will ask her only a.b.c. didn't get the message yesterday. yesterday's this week's john karr with jon karl excuse me yesterday this week's jon karl interviewed donald trump yes that donald trump about the all important question of presidential birth certificates take a look. so you still question that he was born the united states to you i have no idea even at this point well i don't know was there
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a birth certificate you tell me you know some people say that was not his grocer to figure out something i don't know nobody knows and you don't know either jonathan you're a smart guy even know you but i'm pretty convinced he was already. look there is an argument to be made the media should confront birth there is an ad on it at this point giving trump and his ideas any sort of a platform is really just a disservice to the american people further as a belongs in the far corners of the internet it's a shame that a.b.c. gave trouble for the talk and the very very ugly dana rohrbacher for congressman august is time to head back home and get to know their constituents were bachar the republican representative for california's forty eighth district is using his time off to spew the worst sort of right wing misinformation take a look. just so you'll know global warming is a total fraud and it is being designed because what you've got is you've got liberals. at the local level want the state government to do the
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work and make the decisions it doesn't make sense in any case fun fact congressman rohrbacher is in the house science committee that any elected representative can be so. does that deny the well established fact and then a global warming at this point in history is just a very very. what if the future of baseball sound a little like this it's that out of the ninth inning of game seven of the two thousand and sixteen world series the new york yankees are tied to the pittsburgh pirates seven to seven a rod is a bat and the count is three balls and two strikes jeff flock of the pirates winds up and throws and it is fast ball flies by a rod swings that it misses strike three shots the umpire rather than walk back to
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the dugout loops his bat for the next pitch black throws another fast ball with a loud crack of the bat a rod knocks the ball out into the bleacher seats behind center field looks like the steinbrenner family's investment is starting to pay off says yankees announcer john sterling to the radio and television audience of millions that twenty million dollars contribution the anky super pac made to major league baseball commissioner league baseball and commissioner bud selig really help sterling adds he goes on to say when m.l. b. changed the rules to give the yankees five strikes while every other team only gets three that was a brilliant business decision this is all because back in two thousand and fifteen the supreme court ruled that m l b teams can give unlimited amounts of money to baseball officials. for a speech after all and the teams that gave the largest donations get the most generous rules now back to today the supreme court has not yet extended the logic
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behind citizens united to major league baseball although that day may come but they certainly have extended it to the financial services and banking industries that's where congressman republican congressman andy barr of kentucky and the house financial services committee come in he's white having little experience with the financial services industry or wall street when he was elected last year john boehner put those house freshmen on the powerful house financial services committee and as the new york times points out barr is a telling example of why the panel is sometimes called the cash committee a place critics say where there are big incentives for freshman to do special favors for the industry bars only six months into his first term as a congressman but he's already raised more money than pretty much anyone else in the house of representatives and more than one hundred fifty thousand dollars of it has come from the banks and what does all that money buy for the banks and for wall street they get an infinite number of strikes and are never thrown out of the game
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and on those rare occasions when they do fail you and i the taxpayers are forced to be their pinch hitters as the new york times notes one afternoon in april mr barr hosted credit union lobbyists in executives and house office just before a committee hearing promising that he would help protect a federal tax break worth five hundred million dollars a year the executives said last month the it or do so legislation to eliminate a new federal rule intended to prevent banks from issuing mortgages to customers who could not afford to repay the debt a measure pushed by bank lobbyists who had visited his office in other words congress was trying to pass a rule that said bankers could not give mortgages to money who they knew couldn't pay them back but giving mortgages to people who can't pay them back is actually weirdly profitable for banks so congressman barr gave the banks their five hundred million. dollars and it only cost them one hundred fifty thousand dollars buying congressmen is the best investment you can make in modern america but barr is not
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the only lawmaker on the house financial services committee taking in his instrument wall street and introducing theory's suite legislation in return political action committees the big banks and financial service companies have donated nine point four million dollars to members of the financial services committee in the first six months of two thousand and thirteen more in donations than to any other committee in congress according to the center for responsive politics by the new york times the committee's chairman representative jeb hensarling republican of texas remains the top recipient of donations from industry pacs this year taking in two hundred eighty two thousand dollars thanks to citizens united big banks and corporations across every realm of business in america are now able to invest millions in lawmakers right here in washington d.c. and those lawmakers then give them the legislation they want congressmen in the pockets of big oil introduced bills to further america's toxic addiction to fossil
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fuels congressmen in the pockets of giant health care and drug companies introduce legislation to keep health care costs in america the highest in the world since five conservative justices on the supreme court handed down the disastrous citizens united decision corporations have been allowed to rig the game it's not only making banking a risky business it's also ripping the guts out of the american democracy is time to stop all the payoffs all the investments and all the rigged rules in washington and restore the integrity of american democracy go to move to amend to work and help overturn citizens united so that in our democracy every industry and every company as only three strikes that bet. and that's the way it is tonight monday august twelfth two thousand and thirteen don't forget democracy begins with you get out there get active today your suitable.
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time as a new alert animation scripts scare me a little lulu. there is breaking news tonight and we are continuing to follow the breaking news illyria alexander's family cry tears of the war you and your great things other than. we ever had a quarter of a wall around our lives there's a story made sort of movies playing out in real life.
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is it possible to navigate the economy with all the details such as dixon information and media hype will keep you up to date by decoding the mainstream status if in your writing. he.
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today on larry king now denzel washington and mark wahlberg the stars of two guns on war game together for the first time let's swing for the fences for to the end and i thought this was the perfect opportunity with the perfect actor opening up about fame family and forging who are garbage i was a garbage man i worked in the back of a truck twenty two square blocks that's hard nothing that we do in the movies and i was hard at the end of the two guns director dishes on making the film the mark was very clever in the way he approached these first of all he was very humble towards that self and then he started getting out and it's all ahead on larry king now. i've said many things about the school too.


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